
This web site is run by Lars Trebing (, Andréestr. 3, 80634 München, Germany. Its contents and design are protected by German and international law. All trade marks and signs belong to their respective owners even if not expressly stated.

© 1997–2016 Lars Trebing. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. All rights reserved.

Technical Details

This web site is hosted by Hostsharing eG, a German cooperative using only open-source software. All pages are written in HTML 4.01 Strict and look best in reasonably CSS-enabled browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Camino, Konqueror, Safari, and Opera, but of course I am also paying attention to usability with older and/or rather buggy browsers (like Netscape Navigator up to version 4.8 and Microsoft Internet Explorer up to version 7) as well as with text-only browsers (like Lynx).